Jenny M

Within Eve has changed my life! After years of suffering with exhaustion, constant illnesses, skin irritations, things I had never experienced in my life before, I thought I was losing my mind! Blood test after blood test came back negative, but no one could get to the bottom of my health issues, lack of energy and constant rashes.

I found Within Eve, when I was literally at the end of my tether, dreading another winter of bugs and illness, and I can honestly say it has propelled my life in a new, positive direction.

I can’t cope with meal prepping, recipes for every meal and snack of the day – I work full time, with young kids and simply don’t have the time to keep on top of my eating at such a planned level. I would manage the recipes of systems such as Zoe or Gplan for a few weeks, then Id have to travel with work, or have a tough day   and not manage to find time for cooking. 

Within 10 of implementing the “Within Eve life hacks” – personal life hacks tailored to what my sensor was saying I lost 7lbs. I now have another 7 to loose (weight I have never been able to shift) and I know I will do it easily. No recipes, no planning ahead, just simple life hacks and a different way of looking at food.

Further, Within Eve wrote up their findings for my doctor, and for the first time in 3 years, I actually feel like I’m on a path to solution! I don’t feel like a hypochondriac anymore and I feel that the end of my suffering is in sight. It has really lifted me, given me a positive focus. And I cannot thank the team at Within Eve enough for salvaging my life, my well being and my sanity!!!